Becoming a Fearless “Badass”—What does that even mean?

Someone posted the other day that she wanted to be as fearless as me.

To which, I spit out my coffee, laughing.

While that’s a very nice sentiment/compliment, and actually pretty awesome that I might come across that way on social media, much of the time I’m as full of doubts and fears as the rest of us.

What’s different, perhaps, is that I don’t let fear stop me—I do “it” anyway.

What’s different is that I’ve had a near death experience, and so I know what it FEELS like to be fearless. As a medium and channel, I get glimpses into that dimension all the time. When we die, there is zero fear. The fear belongs to our bodies on this planet. (I learned that from “The Power of 10,” btw).

Most of my fear, I’m learning, is from feeling judged and mocked (thus the name of our upcoming TV show, “Don’t Change The Channel.”) Can you relate? Why is it so damn important to get everyone’s approval?

For sure, there will be some you vibe with. Meeting them is easy and as natural as breathing. You may ride the same energetic wavelength for a day or a lifetime. Frequencies change, you know.

And there will be many, many others—called “haters” these days—who will not like to be within the same wavelength as you, whether it’s higher or lower. Doesn’t matter. When you’re “off,” you feel it in your body.

Move away. Gravitate toward those who uplift you, and your life will be filled more with LOVE—your natural state between lifetimes—than hate. The fear will dissipate as you feel supported, by your inner being as well as those in your midst who share your positive, forward-moving trajectory. (Yet another Powerof10-ism—I can’t help it.)

Does that make you a “bad ass” when you reach that point of LESS fear? I dunno. Being a word geek, I’m not sure I want to be labeled as either “bad” or an “ass,” lol. Thus is the nature of our new vernacular.

I do, however, enjoy being seen as an inspirational example of how to live a great life, regardless of fear. I do, however, love it when other people imagine—from their limited perspective of who I truly am—that I’m living out the highest and best version of myself. I’m NOT a fan of when they copy me verbatim, although I suppose that could be seen as an awkward sort of compliment. I want for YOU to live out the best and highest most CREATIVE version of your individual SOUL, not expressing someone else’s version of fun and freedom. That’s for YOU to decide—we all have been given the gift of free will, after all.

You know what’s really cool? (Do people still say “cool”? There I go, wondering if you’re going to judge me for sounding old, haha) What’s really cool/awesome/amazing is when I step boldly into the higher Truth of who I really am—a being of pure Light encapsulated temporarily within the “house” of a body—and shine and radiate this as strongly as the sun. When I do that, even for a little bit, I don’t have to “try” to do anything else, you see. I just shine, and the people who currently “match” me show up and we love on each other with abandon (where did the term “abandon” come from, anyway? How about without restrictions?).

I’m finding that out now as we just launched our “Your Life Repurposed” online channeled coaching program with doing kick ass (another “ass” word) webinars that are getting a whole HECK of a lot of attention. I’m receiving TONS of heartfelt, moving applications to be a part of this assembling tribe of people wanting to reach their BLISS together. It’s awesome. When we chat on the phone, it’s easy. Those who fit, fit, and those who don’t, don’t. And that’s okay.

I’m so loving every moment of this journey! Do people still think I’m a freak for channeling my spirit guide’s wisdom? Probably, although not as much to my face anymore, lol. Do I care? Sometimes, if I’m honest. But the benefits of showing up and being fully me in this lifetime, with all my gifts AND human flaws, outweigh the cons of being balled up in fear over how other people allegedly perceive me.

I adore my spirit guides!  I love that after decades of a dedicated meditation and yoga practice I can very quickly get out of my own way, put aside the ole’ ego for a bit, and allow the teachings to come through from a non-jaded perspective. If that makes me weird, so be it. I’ll be surrounded by other weirdos who want the same things out of life and beyond…those with the same curiosities and hopes.

And when I reach the point of being fearless while still here on planet earth, I’ll let you know.

To check out one of our FREE webinars and for more info. on our new online channeled coaching program, please go to For details about my spirit guides, links to our internationally bestselling books, and free audio recordings, please go to For my author page, please visit

Living the Dream...

I’ve always wanted to be a writer.

Not as in, “someday when I grow up” I want to be a writer—more like I don’t remember a time when I did NOT consider myself to be a writer.

It feels like I’ve been writing the moment I learned to talk, although that sounds impossible. Throughout my life, people have told me that becoming a successful writer was indeed impossible, but I never, ever believed them. How could I NOT be successful at something I already WAS?!

As a kid, I drafted up the first neighborhood “newspaper.” When I became a teen, I filled up books of poetry, and some of my poems and essays got published nationally! (Seventeen Magazine published my “Unicorn and Pegasus” fantasy poem, lol). I was the copy editor at my high school newspaper, and then in college I majored in English, simply because I loved reading and writing.

There were those who made fun of me being an English major, telling me I’d never get a job. But I didn’t care. The more I studied language, the more I fell in love with it!

Straight out of college, I got a job at a small newspaper, and within a year, I worked for a much larger newspaper. Within months, they promoted me to Features Editor, and I was only in my mid-20’s!

But I still longed to write a book. I wrote a lot of “half-books” that I never finished, then watched as my ideas/inspirations took hold of other writers (we’re all connected, you know). I may have always felt like a writer, but even after I manifested a book deal with a large traditional publisher and my first non-fiction book sold well internationally, I had a tough time calling myself an “author.” It was probably a self-esteem thing, looking back.

Even AFTER the success of that first yoga book, I longed to write a fiction novel, but my publisher didn’t do fiction. People thought I was dumb for changing genres, but again, I didn’t care! I loved the process of creating pretend characters based on the various qualities and personality quirks of people I knew, developing themes, immersing myself in their stories…How FUN! It was SO much fun, that I didn’t even think about whether it got published or not. So of course, it did—through more seemingly random synchronicities that occur when we learn to get out of our own way and don’t feel desperate.

After two more books, I seemingly took another left turn by writing screenplays. I loved the film genre so very much that I wrote five of them (one stinks, so it probably shouldn’t count). I came very close to selling them, but in the process, I made valuable connections and gained skills that helped me later land our new upcoming reality TV show, “Don’t Change The Channel.”

And then, as spiritual evolution would have it, I started channeling The Power of 10. One morning, just a few months after I began receiving this profound wisdom, I heard a voice clearly tell me it was time to write a book (at 6 a.m. sharp! And I’m SO not a morning person). I let my hands sleepily hover over my laptop, believing my spirit guides would do all the work for me, but no one animated my fingers—haha. I simply, clairaudiently, heard them dictate their words in my head, and I obediently transcribed what they said.

This whole channeling process was a MUCH quicker way to write manuscripts, I found. The text came out nearly perfect, speeding up the editing process substantially. I watched—amazed—as our first book together became a #1 Amazon International bestseller in the U.K.! And the second one quickly followed suit in the U.S. I can’t WAIT to see what happens with the next book (due in December 2017 to allow time for industry reviewers).

Why am I writing about this journey? I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s to inspire you to write, although it may. My point is that there is a calling inside of you that won’t shut up until you listen to it, if you quiet your mind long enough to hear it. I didn’t choose writing as my creative outlet, it chose me.

Maybe your “thing” is art, or music, or designing buildings, or teaching. Maybe you long to own a business or become an entrepreneur or inventor…does it really matter? When you follow the inner longings of your soul, you’re sure to be a success! Money or fame or celebrity isn’t the gauge, it’s how you FEEL while doing it. (Although realizing time/money freedom has been a total game changer, and enabled me to give back in spades!)

When I’m writing, whether it’s channeled or not, I feel FREE and ALIVE and ON PURPOSE. What makes YOU feel like that? What higher path can you channel through your body?

To learn more, please visit for access to our FREE, no strings attached, webinar. For a link to our bestselling books, events, and free audio recordings, please go to